
Death Valley: Rugged Desert Beauty

Death Valley is a land of extremes. We have visited a number of times and each time come away with a different experience - from sunset at a massive volcanic crater to a windstorm in sand dunes to a temporarily refilled lake at a salt flat.

This zine is the first in a new series showcasing amazing places. This zine is a downloadable PDF with 18 pages, 20 full-color original photos, and information about Death Valley National Park.

Published August 2024

Meanderings Magazine

Meanderings Magazine started as a quarterly travel photography zine in 2019 as a bonus gift for supporters, but grew into a full magazine. The last issue was published in 2022.

Meanderings Short Story Collection

The short stories in this collection first appeared in Meanderings Magazine. Since Issue 2 in August 2019, each issue included an original, travel-themed short story by author Debra Dickinson created exclusively for Meanderings Magazine.

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Meanderings Magazine Issue 1 - April 2019

Meanderings Magazine Issue 2 - August 2019

Meanderings Magazine Issue 3 - October 2019

Meanderings Magazine Issue 4 - January 2020

Meanderings Magazine Issue 5 - April 2020

Meanderings Magazine Issue 6 - November 2020

Meanderings Magazine Issue 7 - July 2021

Meanderings Magazine Issue 8 - June 2022