New Travel Photo Zine Series

In 2019 I started a travel photo zine as a thank you to supporters on Patreon. Starting a travel photography magazine right before a global pandemic turned out to be more than a little challenging, but so did the fact that the early plans for a simple zine morphed into a full magazine.

Over the past year or two the Patreon account and Meanderings Magazine have both been retired. Patreon because they kept changing things and making a mess for creators who were using their service; the magazine because it was was too ambitious of a project in a day of declining magazine subscriptions.

Fast forward to mid-2024 and the simple zine market either continues strong or is making a comeback (depending on who you ask). Since I mostly enjoyed publishing a travel photography magazine, I have decided to start a new travel photo zine series. The first installment in the new zine series is titled Death Valley: Rugged Desert Beauty.

At least for this first zine issue it is only available as an e-book either through Amazon Kindle or as a PDF here on my website. It is possible that future issues will also be available in print if there is enough interest.

Let me know which locations or scenery collections you would like to see in future zines!

Robert Witham

Author, photographer, videographer, publisher, and property inspector.

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