
I have written and published six books. My most recent book, The Sun-Powered Life, is a simple guide to getting started with off-grid solar electricity.

How To Be A Successful 21st Century Nomad covers topics from deciding to embrace the nomadic life to setting up electrical in your vehicle. This book attempts to distill the lessons, knowledge, and skills that I have learned over the years as a nomad into one logical, accessible volume.

Published 2019

How To Be A Successful 21st Century Nomad


The Sun-Powered Life: A Simple Guide to Off-Grid Solar Electricity

The Sun-Powered Life Cover

An introductory guide to simple, off-grid electricity for homesteads, RVs, vans, and more. Solar electricity can seem complicated at first, but once your solar electric system is set up you are able to enjoy free electricity for many years.

Published 2023

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Car living is definitely not for everyone, but many more people are doing exactly this each year whether by choice or necessity.

Published 2016


Car Living

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Minimalism (the book) is my contribution to the conversation about voluntary simplicity and, specifically, simplicity of possessions.

Published 2015



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Older Books

These older books have been discontinued and are no longer available because the information was out of date.

Microbusinesses You Can Start Today

A collection of ideas for small businesses that may be started and operated on a shoestring budget.

Published 2013, Updated 2016

Starting a Web Design Business

Originally published in 2009, this book covered everything that I had learned in a decade operating my own web design business.

Starting a Web Design Business is no longer available as the content became outdated over the years.

Published 2009